The definition of chaos

The definition of chaos

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween at the Harbor

Ok, as most of you may know I HATE HALLOWEEN and wish it would fall off the calendar.  Not because it's supposed to be "evil" - that has nothing to do with it.  I always enjoyed it as a kid, BUT,  it is an expensive holiday.  4 costumes, loads of candy and for what??? One night of walking around the neighborhood for more candy, then you never see those costumes you just broke the bank with again. 

I saw a sign that said FREE Halloween fun at the Harbor Friday night, so I thought, why not??  We loaded up the kids - no costumes - cause I just wasn't in the mood to face paint and all that, and we made our way with my VERY pregnant sister and the kids down to the Harbor.  OMG!!!  That's all I can say.  It was a nightmare.  WAY too many people down there.  You were walking elbow to elbow and all they got out of the deal was a bag of dental stuff from the Tooth Fairy and a sprinkling of fairy dust on their heads. 

Needless to say, we left pretty quickly and went to eat dinner at Joe Willy's, which our neighbors were there so we ate with them.  That was nice. 

Today, we have tickets to the FC Dallas soccer game, which shouldn't be too crowded since the World Series will be going on at the same time.  We'll see.......The game was AWESOME! And, they won!!

Tomorrow, my mom is coming over to help me take the boys trick or treating.  The twins are going with their friend and his parents so it will just be me, my mom, and Nick and Noah.  Should be fun.......well, Levin got called into work and my mom was sick so it was just me, Nick and Noah.  We had as much fun as you can, I guess.  I got the poo scared out of me by our neighbor who was walking around as Michael Myers, too


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